Mississippi voters can use the following table to examine voting precinct polling places for the Nov. 5, 2024, general election. The Mississippi Free Press compiled the list using data we obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office and after contacting local election officials in all 82 counties.
Despite our best efforts to verify accurate polling place information and sort out conflicts between state and local officials, we cannot guarantee that all polling places listed are accurate; please contact your local circuit clerk or election commissioners to verify your polling place information.
You can use the search bar to find polling precincts by county, city or precinct name. Before voting, please contact your local election officials to confirm the location of your polling precinct.

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Voting precincts refer to the names of electoral districts voters are drawn into while polling places are the physical locations where people within a precinct go to cast their ballots.
Mississippians will vote for presidential, congressional, judicial and regional offices on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. Any eligible registered voter who registered to vote in person by Oct. 7 or had their voter registration application postmarked by Oct. 7 can cast a ballot in the general election.
Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Contact your local circuit clerk or election commissioners for polling place information. Voters must bring an accepted form of photo ID to the polls; if they do not have an accepted form of photo ID, voters can get a free voter ID from their local circuit clerk before Election Day. For more information, visit sos.ms.gov/yall-vote.