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Project July 29, 2024

Transforming Lives: Finland’s Innovative Approach to Homelessness



Homelessness is one of the world's largest problems. There are an estimated 150 million people facing homelessness around the world. However, there is one country that may have found a way to eradicate this global problem.

The Housing First Initiative in Finland is a concept that reverses the system most countries use to help the homeless. Through the initiative, Finland focuses on creating affordable housing for the homeless population. With this concept, homeless individuals and families are placed in affordable housing units. The initiatvie then focuses on other issues people may face (i.e.: drug abuse, health conditions, jobs, poor credit). Through this process, Finland’s homeless numbers have decreased by 75% since 2008.

While the success of the Housing First Initiative is widely recognized, Finland is now experiencing a stall in its progress. It has become evident that some individuals in the program are unable to stay on the correct path,



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Transparency and Governance

Transparency and Governance