Project September 19, 2013
The Survival of Palestinian Farmers Under Israeli Occupation

After nearly fifty years of occupation, 80 percent of the West Bank remains firmly under Israeli military control and the vast majority of West Bank water sources are controlled by Israel. Demolition orders, the ongoing construction of the separation wall, and ever-expanding settlements continue to displace Palestinian farmers from their fields. According to some estimates, more than 1,200,000 Palestinian olive trees—an important symbol of Palestinian solidarity and resistance—have been destroyed since 1967.
With Israelis in control of limited resources, how have farmers changed the way they run their farms? From whom do they receive support? Which Israeli organizations help maintain Palestinian lands? Can Palestinian fair trade organizations really affect fair prices of food produced in an occupied territory? Pulitzer Center Student Fellow Adrian Fadil explores some of the ways that West Bank farmers have tried to maintain the viability of their lands under the duress of occupation.