Climate change affects North Carolina in multiple ways. The impact is obvious along the coast: sea level rise, coastal erosion, ghost forests, and more powerful hurricanes. However, climate change also fuels extreme-weather events across the state that have produced severe flooding and tornadoes along with extreme droughts and wildfires. Climate change impacts all of us.
However, it is difficult to understand. It's also easy to point the finger and say, “That’s somebody else's problem."
PBS North Carolina's Emmy Award-winning State of Change project brings climate change to a personal level, with people-focused, solutions-based storytelling that shares the science as well as its impact on communities and individuals. Most importantly, it shows how resiliency provides solutions.
The latest collection of stories introduces North Carolinians who are adapting to our changing climate in new and inspiring ways. From conserving land and growing food that’s tolerant of extreme conditions, to using farmland to produce both crops and solar energy, these innovators are facing the challenges of climate change with perseverance and ingenuity.