Project September 8, 2022
A Small Town's Decades of Energy Generation
In 1970, Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant went online from the Lake Michigan shoreline in Two Creeks, Wisconsin. In 1974, another plant opened just five miles away. These developments affected the area’s economy and identity. Two Creeks has been a vital part of the state’s energy generation for decades. Now, due to 1250 acres of solar panels, it will continue to contribute to Wisconsin’s energy supply.
The increasing threat of climate change is motivating governing bodies, utility companies, homeowners, and private industries to participate in a transition to renewable energy. This project will investigate what the renewable energy build-out looks like on the ground by telling the story of the town of Two Creeks.
While Wisconsin is experiencing a rapid decline in small dairy farms—the other component of the Two Creeks economy, farmers are participating in the solar project by hosting panels on their land. This project will encapsulate their stories and decision to directly participate in energy infrastructure development.
Renewable energy growth is happening everywhere. The story of Two Creeks will help us understand what that looks like and how it works.