This multimedia project explores the lives of local fishermen in Masinloc, Zambales, as they strive to provide fish to feed their community. The project also looks at what needs to be done to protect the fishermen and the national resources of the Philippines from the increasing presence of Chinese fleets in the West Philippine Sea.
The Bajo de Masinloc, or Scarborough Shoal, as it is widely known, has been a contested area for the past decade, with the Chinese government claiming ownership despite an international court ruling favoring the Philippines. It is the local fishing communities that suffer the most, due to limited government support and resources to upgrade their vessels. They pose as no match for the bigger and more powerful Chinese fleets.
Through the support of the South China Morning Post and Roads and Kingdoms, this project aims to provide an in-depth story through words, photographs, and video to bring an underreported issue to the world.