A planned expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline has divided communities across Canada. The project, which would triple the pipeline's capacity, snakes along a route that includes unceded territories — those in which Indigenous nations have not surrendered title to the land. While some leaders are looking for an ownership stake in the expanded pipeline, others are determined to prevent it from being built, citing the risks of a spill on critical waterways and wildlife, and arguing that they weren't adequately consulted on the plan.
This project takes readers on a journey along the pipeline path, using 360° footage to highlight key sites in Alberta and British Columbia. Kestler-D'Amours and O'Toole speak with those most affected about the project's perceived impacts, and analyze data on Trans Mountain's consultations with Indigenous groups, a process that some chiefs have criticized as flawed. Its final interactive provides a detailed exploration of the Trans Mountain battle, allowing readers to understand how, and why, this project has divided Indigenous communities.