Cockpit country is not only a physical marvel, spanning a whopping 500 square miles and stretching into three different parishes on the island—it is also home to many of the island's endemic species. The Jamaican Maroons, who fought against British forces, negotiated a treaty after proving formidable in battle. This treaty granted the Maroons portions of the Cockpit Country as part of their sovereign territory. Since then, the Maroon people have been the stewards of the cockpit county.
Today, however, their ownership of the land is being contested by members of the Government like Prime Minister Holness. This report will include a thorough investigation of what stands to be lost in the Cockpit Country, and an exploration of the science of mining and what it can do to both soil and water supplies. It also aims to come to a complete understanding of the latest conversation between the Jamaican government and the Maroon people.