Yana Paskova
Travel is the enemy of bigotry.
I am a Bulgaria-born, Chicago-bred, New York city-based photojournalist, and the spark that wakes me in the morning is my passion for photography, writing, music, U.S. and international affairs, and genuine, interesting, passionate, kind people.
I enjoy letting my camera guide my geography—from covering the U.S. presidential campaign and the minutiae of life across the States, to assignments in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia. What motivates me is making photographs that not only capture the eye with composition, but also the mind with narrative—to find the combined power of style and content, whether in a historic or a seemingly mundane moment.
My photography has appeared in The New York Times and Washington Post, in New York and The New Yorker magazines and elsewhere. If curious about the rest of my work, please see my website here.