Matt Hongoltz-Hetling
Matt Hongoltz-Hetling is a Vermont-based writer whose longform journalism has appeared in Popular Science, Foreign Policy, USA Today, Atavist Magazine and The Weather Channel, among other outlets. His investigative work has spotlighted flood insurance challenges for Missouri's riverboat casinos, maternal health challenges in Sierra Leone, the potential collapse of Maine's lobster industry, and oversight problems in the federal Section 8 Housing program, which led to national reforms.
He is a recipient of the George Polk Award, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, and a Maine Journalist of the Year. He was recognized for excellence in the 2018 Best In Business Awards from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW), received the 2019 Distinguished Science Journalism award from the American Meteorological Association, and was selected for inclusion in the Best American Nonrequired Reading 2019 anthology.
His first book, A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear, will hit bookstores in 2020. Follow him on Twitter @hh_matt, or contact him at [email protected].