Marc Hofer


Marc has worked since 2009 as a freelance photographer and videographer, mainly in East and North Africa and the Middle East, covering social and political issues for a wide range of clients including Al Jazeera, Associated Press, Agence France Press and The New York Times.
Actively shifting from photography to video production, he just finished a 9 month assignment with the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Lebanon, producing media content about the Syrian crisis and its impact on the region. Marc acquired a Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Design at the University of Applied Science Vorarlberg, Austria in 2007.
In the future he is aiming to concentrate more on ecological and economical stories, trying to shed more light on the socio-economical impacts of the degrading state of natural resources, livable habitats and the last refuges for wild life.

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