Brendan Borrell
Brendan Borrell is a New York-based journalist who has reported on human-wildlife conflicts around the world. He has written for Smithsonian, Scientific American, Slate, and the Los Angeles Times and is also a correspondent for the life sciences magazine, The Scientist.
Invasion of the Cassowaries (Smithsonian)Passions run high in an Australian town: should the endangered birds by feared -- or fed?
eBay and Ivory (Slate) The auction sites ban on elephant products wont help the environment.
The sea lion and the salmon (Slate) Should we murder one to save the other?
Why does Sarah Palin support shooting wolves in Alaska? (Scientific American) If we really want more moose, we should be shooting bears instead.
Toadbusting (The Scientist) For the can-do folks of Kununurra, Australia, saving the environment means catching and killing invasive cane toads one weekend at a time.