Allyson Zacharoff
Allyson Zacharoff, a senior at the College of William & Mary during the 2012-2013 Sharp seminar, is double majoring in English and European Studies. She has spent a large part of her undergraduate career researching antisemitism in Spain, including devoting an uncanny amount of time to her current senior honors thesis looking at the treatment of Jews under Francisco Franco's dictatorship from 1939-1975. She spent the spring of 2011 studying abroad in beautiful Florence, Italy, and the spring of 2012 completing an internship with the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff, United Kingdom. Allyson also spent two summers working for Dan's Papers on Long Island, and worked in Manhattan this past summer as a program management intern at the Center for Spiritual Life, a multifaith initiative at New York University. She blogs about interfaith issues on her personal blog, On campus, Allyson serves as Director of the Peer Advising program, the Director of Campus Events for W&M's annual bone marrow drive, and works as a Peer Scholarship Advisor in the Charles Center. In her free time, this proud Long Islander enjoys exercising, watching movies, reading fantasy novels, and daydreaming.