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Webinar for Students: How Indigenous Youth Defend the Amazon with Pablo Albarenga

Event Date:

April 29, 2020 | 2:00 PM TO 3:00 PM EDT
Sunrise on the Arinos River in the North of Mato Grosso, over Rikbaktsa indigenous lands. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Brazil, 2019.

Three Rainforest Defender Series stories of resistance and innovation in the Achuar Territory of the...

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Multiple Authors
José juxtaposed with the Achuar rainforest in Ecuador. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Ecuador, 2019.
José juxtaposed with the Achuar rainforest in Ecuador. Image by Pablo Albarenga. Ecuador, 2019.

The Pulitzer Center education team invites students and their teachers and parents/guardians to join us for a speaker series in which journalists highlight under-reported stories of resilience around the world. At a time when the headlines are dominated by crisis, we will explore stories of hope, joy, and connection while also learning more about how journalists investigate and communicate under-reported stories.

In this webinar, Pablo Albarenga will share his reporting on how Indigenous youth are defending their land and their people in the Amazon. Pablo will show photography and a documentary short film introducing us to some of these activists, and will discuss how he reported this story ethically and powerfully.

Pablo Albarenga is an awarded Uruguayan documentary photographer, visual storyteller, and National Geographic Explorer whose work is mainly focused Human Rights issues in Latin America. Pablo has dedicated his work to investigating, studying, and photographing the colonization process that still affects traditional populations in Latin America.

While this webinar is open to all students as well as their teachers and guardians, it is recommended for grades 6–12.

Click here to register. Once you register, you will receive a link you can click to join the workshop. Your link is unique; each participant must register individually.

Want to prepare for this webinar, or dive deeper into these issues afterward? Try out this lesson on young Indigenous rainforest defenders in the Amazon.

If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a virtual journalist visit for your class at a different time, please contact [email protected].


yellow halftone illustration of an elephant


Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change
a yellow halftone illustration of a truck holding logs



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Children and Youth

Children and Youth
teal halftone illustration of a young indigenous person


Indigenous Rights

Indigenous Rights