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Webinar for Educators: Resources and strategies for examining U.S. History using The 1619 Project

Event Date:

November 21, 2021 | 11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM MST
Artwork by Adam Pendleton in The 1619 Project, page 15. 2019.

The Pulitzer Center is proud to partner with The New York Times Magazine on The 1619 Project to...

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Multiple Authors
artwork from The 1857 Project

The 1619 Project from The New York Times Magazine aims to reframe U.S. history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative. It includes 18 essays and over 15 creative works by leading journalists, authors, poets, and historians that examine the lasting legacy of slavery on modern-day business, healthcare, housing, incarceration, education and more. The project also includes a five-episode podcast, close study of primary source documents, and original art and photography.

In this hands-on workshop, led by Pulitzer Center education staff in partnership with the Educators’ Institute for Human Rights, participants will explore text and images from the project and evaluate how these resources can strengthen students’ engagement with their curricula, while also supporting their critical thinking and communication skills. Participants will also examine ways that teachers nationwide are connecting the project to their classrooms through analysis of lessons and student work.

Click here to register.


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Racial Justice

Racial Justice