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Teaching The 1619 Project: A Virtual Event for Educators and Librarians

Event Date:

December 13, 2021 | 6:00 PM TO 7:00 PM EST
Artwork by Adam Pendleton in The 1619 Project, page 15. 2019.

The Pulitzer Center is proud to partner with The New York Times Magazine on The 1619 Project to...

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Multiple Authors
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story” and “Born on the Water”
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story” and “Born on the Water”

— By The New York Times

What began as a special edition of The New York Times Magazine is now a national cultural phenomenon that has generated a book, a podcast, a forthcoming documentary series, an illustrated children’s book, and educational materials for schools. Its creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, won a Pulitzer Prize.

The 1619 Project was the brainchild of Ms. Hannah-Jones, a correspondent for The Times Magazine, and has ignited a passionate and polarizing conversation about how America’s history is taught in schools. Often associated with critical race theory, The 1619 Project has become the subject of controversy in politics and education.

How can teachers engage with this powerful material and share it with students? How should they respond to detractors’ calls to ban The 1619 Project and other subject matter that addresses the history of racial inequity and the Black experience in America? And how best can librarians and educators bring truthful representations of history to their students?

Join Ms. Hannah-Jones and Donnalie Jamnah, of the Pulitzer Center’s 1619 Project Education Network, in conversation with Jake Silverstein, the editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine. Their discussion will be geared toward teachers, administrators, librarians, parents, and students searching for answers to these crucial and timely questions.

The Pulitzer Center is the education partner for The 1619 Project.

This event is sponsored by The New York Times’s education and library subscription program.