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'Paradise Without People' Team at DOC NYC

Event Date:

November 8, 2019 | 11:30 AM TO 12:40 PM EST


Cinépolis Chelsea
260 W 23rd Street

New York, NY 10011

Taimaa Abazli, 24, holds her new baby Heln in their tent at the Karamalis camp in Thessaloniki. Image by Lynsey Addario for TIME. Greece, 2016.


Finding Home

Following the lives of four Syrian refugee mothers and their babies from the day these women gave...

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Multiple Authors
DOC NYC 2019
DOC NYC 2019

Pulitzer Center grantees Francesca Trianni and Lynsey Addario, the team behind "Paradise Without People," the TIME feature documentary companion to Pulitzer Center-supported project "Finding Home," will speak at DOC NYC PRO on Friday, November 8, 2019.

Trianni and Addario will be joined by Nathalie Applewhite, Pulitzer Center managing director, and Justine Simons, supervising producer for video at TIME. The discussion will focus on the collaboration of photojournalism, reporting, and filmmaking that contributes to the making of a feature-length documentary. 

TIME Studios produced "Paradise Without People" following the success of "Finding Home." The film focuses on two Syrian women, Taimaa and Nour, who give birth in a Greek hospital. The documentary depicts the journey of the two women and their families as they navigate an "inflexible European resettlement program that rarely takes their needs into account."

The project "Finding Home" has been honored by the Edward R. Murrow Awards, the World Press Photo contests, and Pictures of the Year International.

DOC NYC is the largest documentary film festival in America. For more information, visit the DOC NYC website.


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War and Conflict
teal halftone illustration of a family carrying luggage and walking


Migration and Refugees

Migration and Refugees
pink halftone illustration of a hand underneath a floating feather


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