Join Pulitzer Center grantees to discuss the work of <strong>Stephanie Sinclair</strong>, <strong>Cynthia Gorney</strong>, <strong>Anna Tomasulo</strong>, <strong>Hanna Ingber Win</strong> on the underground world of prearranged child marriage, where girls as young as five are forced to wed, moderated by Pulitzer Center Executive Director <strong>Jon Sawyer</strong>.<br>
Friday, November 4, 2011
Boston University Medical Campus
670 Albany Street
Boston, MA 02112
<em> Open to BU students </em><br>
<em>Co-presented with BU College of Communication, BU School of Public Health, and BU Center for Global Health and Development</em>

In Nepal, child marriage affects every aspect of a girl’s life, from her education prospects to her...