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IPS Foreign Policy In Focus presents 'Inside Syria' with Reese Erlich

Event Date:

June 25, 2015 | 12:00 PM
Media file: rukaya_shrine_1.jpg

Many experts thought Assad would be out of power by now. But the initial popular uprising has...

Media file: reese_erlich_copt_rally_9679_10680.jpg
Coptic Christians protest burning of one of their churches by Muslim extremists. Image by Reese Erlich. Egypt, 2011.

Join Pulitzer Center grantee Reese Erlich on Thursday, June 25, as he expands upon his field experiences in Syria and introduces "Inside Syria: the Backstory of Their Civil War and What the World Can Expect," his latest book that covers his reporting from many trips to the region.

Erlich has reported from Syria over the years, and since the uprising began, he has interviewed Syrian rebels and civilians in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraqi Kurdistan. Erlich's dispatches include those from three Pulitzer Center-support projects: "Arab Spring in Syria, Egypt and Gaza" in 2011, "Bahrain's Forgotten Uprising" in 2012 and "How Assad Hangs On" in 2013.

The Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, hosts Erlich, a foreign correspondent and investigative reporter, for its Foreign Policy In Focus (FPIF) brown bag discussion: "Inside Syria". FPIF is a project of the Institute for Policy Studies and describes itself as a "'Think Tank Without Walls' connecting the research and action of more than 600 scholars, advocates, and activists seeking to make the United States a more responsible global partner."

IPS Foreign Policy in Focus Brown Bag Discussion
"Inside Syria" with Reese Erlich
Thursday, June 25
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
IPS Conference Room
1112 16th Street NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC


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