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Human Rights & HIV: Johns Hopkins-Pulitzer Center Symposium

Event Date:

October 9, 2014 | 12:00 AM
Image by Daniella Zalcman. Uganda, 2014.

As Uganda struggles with anti-homosexuality legislation, the growing LGBT-rights movement continues...

Valery at work. Image by Misha Friedman. Russia, 2012.

Please join us on Thursday, October 9, for the 2014 Johns Hopkins-Pulitzer Center Symposium this year exploring human rights and the global fight against AIDS.

Historic advances have inspired a vision of ending the epidemic. Nevertheless, key affected populations—including sex workers, the LGBT community and injection drug users—remain severely underserved and face social, legal and economic barriers to essential health services. How do punitive laws, severe discrimination and entrenched cultural stigma violate human rights and harm public health? And how does the media approach coverage of this pressing public health issue?

At the symposium, "Human Rights & HIV: Public Health, the Media & the Fight Against Stigma & Discrimination," leading public health and human rights experts and Pulitzer Center-supported journalists will delve into these questions and open the floor for discussion on obstacles to prevention and treatment, human rights concerns and ideas on how to translate public health research into accurate and informative news stories.

Micah Fink - Director of "The Abominable Crime" and founder of Common Good Productions
Gregory Gilderman - Video journalist and professor, Columbia School of Journalism
Tonia Poteat, PhD, MPH, MMSc - Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology, JHSPH
Sheree Schwartz, PhD - Fellow, Key Populations Program, Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Right, JHSPH
Maurice Tomlinson - Jamaican lawyer, gay rights activist, and inaugural recipient of the 2012 David Kato Vision and Voice Award
Daniella Zalcman - London- and New York-based photojournalist

Chris Beyrer, MD - Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Public Health and Human Rights, and President of the International AIDS Society
Joanne Rosen, JD - Associate Director, Clinic for Public Health Law and Policy; Associate Lecturer in Health Policy and Management, JHSPH

Fink, Gilderman and Zalcman received Pulitzer Center support to undertake their reporting around the world, including in Jamaica, Russia, Uganda and the Netherlands.

Thursday, October 9
Symposium 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Reception 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Sheldon Hall (W1214)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 N Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21205


The two-day symposium kicks off on Wednesday, October 8, at 5:15pm with a screening of the Pulitzer Center-supported award-winning documentary "The Abominable Crime", and a discussion after featuring Fink, Tomlinson and Beyrer. Please reserve your seat for the Wednesday screening separately.

For additional information, please email [email protected]


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