Award-winning photographer Daniella Zalcman speaks at Anastasia Gallery in New York on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, about her "Signs of Your Identity" reporting project. This work showcases multiple exposure portraits of survivors of cultural genocide from Canada's indigenous communities.
For more than a century, the Canadian government operated a network of Indian residential schools that were meant to assimilate young indigenous students into western Canadian culture. Indian agents would take children, as young as two or three years old, from their homes and send them to church-run boarding schools where they were punished for speaking their native languages or observing any indigenous traditions. Sexual and physical assaults occurred as well as medical experimentation and sterilization.
The last residential school closed in 1996. The Canadian government issued its first formal apology in 2008.
These double exposure portraits explore the trauma of some of the 80,000 living survivors who remain. Through extensive accompanying interviews, the portraits address the impact of intergenerational trauma and lateral violence, documenting the slow path toward healing.
Zalcman's double exposure photography from her Pulitzer Center-supported reporting project "Signs of Your Identity" and subsequent FotoEvidence Book are on exhibit at Anastasia Gallery through January 25, 2017.
While the reception is open to all, RSVP is required to attend the talk by emailing [email protected]
Anastasia Gallery's website.
"Signs of Your Identity" Gallery Talk with Daniella Zalcman
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Reception: 6PM
Talk: 7PM
Anastasia Photo Gallery
143 Ludlow Street
New York City, NY 10002