Pulitzer Center grantees Austin Merrill and Peter DiCampo explore the every day experiences of those living in African countries during class visits at LaGuardia Community College on Monday, November 2. Their goal in meeting with faculty and students is to counter media stereotypes by showing shared commonalities around the world.
Conceived by Merrill and Peter DiCampo, and featuring numerous contributing photographers, "Everyday Africa" is a response to the common media portrayal of the African continent as a place consumed by war, poverty, and disease.
"Everyday Africa, a collection of images shot on mobile phones across the continent, is an attempt to re-direct focus toward a more accurate understanding of what the majority of Africans experience on a day-to-day basis: normal life," states the Everyday Africa website. "As journalists who are native to Africa or have lived and worked on the continent for years at a time, we find the extreme is not nearly as prevalent as the familiar, the everyday."
The visit is made possible through the Campus Consortium partnership between the Pulitzer Center and LaGuardia Community College.
"Everyday Africa"
Monday, November 2
LaGuardia Community College
31-10 Thomson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
Check out Pulitzer Center's Everyday Africa programming in this video.