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Escaping Gang Violence in El Salvador

Event Date:

October 24, 2018 | 6:00 PM


Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
Healy Hall Riggs Library
O & 37th Streets NW

Washington, DC 20007

A born-again member of the 18th Street gang now living in the Eben Ezer evangelical church. Image by Neil Brandvold. El Salvador, 2018.

In El Salvador, brutal gangs like MS-13 and 18th Street do not allow members to quit without penalty...

A born-again member of the 18th Street gang now living in the Eben Ezer evangelical church. Image by Neil Brandvold. El Salvador, 2018.
A born-again member of the 18th Street gang now living in the Eben Ezer evangelical church. Image by Neil Brandvold. El Salvador, 2018.

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, Pulitzer Center grantee Danny Gold will discuss his work at Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs. His talk is part of a two-day visit to this Campus Consortium partner school. 

In El Salvador, gang violence plagues communities. Wars between prominent gangs, such as MS-13 and 18th Street, have exacerbated homicide rates across the country. With the understanding that gang membership is usually for life, members often face little hope of escaping this perpetual cycle of violence. Gold examines how "The Only Way Out Is Through Jesus" in his Pulitzer Center project, and reports on how evangelical churches help gang members escape by becoming a born-again Christians.

Marc Howard, founding director of Georgetown's Prisons and Justice Initiative, joins Gold in conversation to discuss this work.

The conversation begins at 7 pm in Riggs Library, located on the third floor of Healy Hall. It is preceded by a reception for event attendees just outside the space beginning at 6 pm.


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