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'Circus Without Borders' Screens at Independent Film Festival Boston


Event Date:

April 25, 2015 | 2:00 AM
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In the remote northern reaches of one of the wealthiest countries of the world is an aboriginal...

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Multiple Authors
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Poster for 'Circus Without Borders'

Circus Without Borders screens on Saturday, April 25, as part of the Independent Film Festival Boston 2015 (IFFBoston). Linda Matchan is a Pulitzer Center grantee and producer of the film. She and director Susan Gray will attend the screening.

Circus Without Borders follows Guillaume Saladin and Yamoussa Bangoura, "best friends and world-class acrobats from remote corners of the globe who share the same dream: To bring hope and change to their struggling communities through circus. Their dream unfolds in the Canadian Arctic and Guinea, West Africa, where they help Inuit and Guinean youth achieve unimaginable success while confronting suicide, poverty and despair," the documentary's website states.

"Seven years in the making, this tale of two circuses — Artcirq and Kalabante — is a culture-crossing performance piece that offers a portal into two remote communities, and an inspiring story of resilience and joy."

Purchase tickets from the IFFBoston website.

Circus Without Borders Trailer from Northern Light Productions on Vimeo.

Director: Susan Gray
Producer: Linda Matchan
Editor: Andrew Kukura
Executive Producers: Nicole Guillemet & Bestor Cram
Associate Producer: Taylor Dueweke

Independent Film Festival Boston 2015
Saturday, April 25
Brattle Theater
40 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Reception after the film will be at Saloon: 255 Elm Street, Somerville, MA 02144