Pulitzer Center-supported photojournalist David Rochkind speaks about reporting on public health issues during his multi-day visit to the University of Washington. On Thursday, October 9, Rochkind delivers a community-wide talk, "Beyond Statistics: Storytelling in Public Health."
Rochkind's photography has appeared in a variety of newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times Magazine and Rolling Stone, and has won awards and grants from the National Press Photographers Association, World Health Organization and others in addition to his grants from the Pulitzer Center. He has spent more than four years reporting on the global tuberculosis epidemic and developed the work into an educational website and curriculum for high schools, that teaches about TB and public health in the developing world (www.tbepidemic.org). In addition to his reporting on TB in Vietnam and Moldova, he covered the fight against HIV in Honduras.
Most recently with Pulitzer Center grantee journalist Jens Erik Gould, Rochkind traveled to impoverished communities in Vietnam that have high TB incidence rates and examined how the lack of funding has inhibited technological advances necessary to aid those infected. During his University of Washington community-wide talk, Rochkind will discuss the importance of telling stories that move beyond the data to discuss the impact public health issues like TB have within communities.
The community-wide talk, as well as his class visits and other campus events, is hosted by the Pulitzer Center Campus Consortium partners at the University of Washington, its departments of Global Health and Communication.
Thursday, October 9
Lecture: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Reception: 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Health Sciences Building, Room T-625
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
Visit davidrochkind.com to learn more about Rochkind's reporting.
The Garifuna have historically been forgotten in Honduras and currently face one of the highest HIV...