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ACTION DC! Bearing Witness Artist Talk

Event Date:

October 18, 2017 | 5:30 PM TO 7:30 PM EDT


Smith Hall of Art, Gallery 102, George Washington University
801 22nd Street NW

Washington, DC 20052

Close to 40 men and women sit around a table and share a meal inside the kitchen of the shelter.

Singapore is a prosperous country in Asia and migrant workers have played an important role in its...

Mr. Cheng and Ms. Feng are on the way to the restaurant that offers free-meals to Chinese migrant workers.  Image by Xyza Bacani. Singapore, 2017.
Mr. Cheng and Ms. Feng are on the way to the restaurant that offers free-meals to Chinese migrant workers. Image by Xyza Bacani. Singapore, 2017.

Xyca Bacani participates in an artist talk and panel discussion on Wednesday, October 18, 2017 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm for the exhibit "Bearing Witness: Visualizing Human Trafficking," hosted at George Washington University by ACTION DC! 

Along with participating artists, the panel discussion will feature Maurice Middleberg, executive director of Free The Slaves and Andrea Powell, executive director of FAIR Girls.

Exhibit Description:

"Bearing Witness" combines photographs, paintings, sculptures, collages, video, and installations to provide a moving snapshot of the global scale of human trafficking. Whether it's forced domestic labor in Singapore, child labor in Indonesia and Burkina Faso, or the sex trafficking of women throughout the United States, forced labor of all types permeates the global economy, a fact most of us never want to acknowledge. While the images and stories on view are at times difficult to stomach, they point to a collective need to bear witness.

Featuring works by: Hetty Baiz, Xyza Bacani, Larry C. Price, Molly Gochman, Mary Ann Schindler, FAIR Girls, and survivors.

Bacani will discuss her work documenting the lives Chinese migrant workers in Singapore, as a part of her project, "Singapore Runaways."

The artist talk and panel discussion are free and open to the public.


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