Resource May 8, 2019

Meet the Journalist: Jacob Kushner


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How the residents of Canaan navigate land rights, urban planning, and governance—on their own.

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Multiple Authors
Horlich Florestal (left), 24, and Rosemond Altidon, 22, stand on the edge of their apartment building in Fort National January 9, 2011. Half the building was destroyed in the earthquake, killing many of their neighbors, including two cousins and an aunt. Image Allison Shelley. Haiti, 2011.
Horlich Florestal (left), 24, and Rosemond Altidon, 22, stand on the edge of their apartment building in Fort National January 9, 2011. Half the building was destroyed in the earthquake, killing many of their neighbors, including two cousins and an aunt. Image Allison Shelley. Haiti, 2011.

Journalist Jacob Kushner and photographer Allison Shelley return to Haiti to report on the country's newest city, Canaan, born in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake. Here Kushner discusses the city, now home to between 280,000 and 320,000 people. This single most visible legacy of that disaster offers hope to many Haitians who envision building a better future for their families.


yellow halftone illustration of two people standing back to back


Land Rights

Land Rights
teal halftone illustration of a construction worker holding a helmet under their arm


Labor Rights

Labor Rights