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Campus Consortium Partner

The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health

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The Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University is in the heart of the nation's capital. In its brand new building, down the street from the Department of State,​ Pan American Health Organization, and the World Bank, the school focuses on translating science to policymakers, implementers, economic leaders, and the public. Alongside the Pulitzer Center, the Milken Institute School of Public Health will train students in doing so through the mechanism of news media.

Within the school is the Department of Global Health, which offers diverse public health courses and curricula to prepare students to impact human health worldwide. Through various program​ tracks, students explore environmental, political, and socioeconomic dimensions of human health. The department has ​many opportunities for students to​ gain practical experience internationally. One is the Pulitzer Center Campus Consortium student fellowship, which allows students to explore a global health area of interest while learning journalism reporting skills.