Discussion Questions:
- Why is it difficult to enforce laws regulating drone use?
- What are some of the strongest arguments against the use of drones?
- What are some of the strongest arguments for the use of drones?
- Based on the list of benefits and risks you created, do you believe drones should be used?
- Does the type of use of the drone effect your opinion of whether drones should be used?
This lesson is written as a series of notes for the facilitator.
In this lesson, students will weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the use of drones for surveillance, war, and agriculture.
Article 1: Next Arab-Israeli War Will Be Fought with Drones (This article is longer, so teachers might consider assigning stronger readers to this article initially.)
Article 2: In the Heat of the Moment, Drones Are Getting in the Way of Firefighters
Article 3: Agriculture Could Be Biggest User of Commercial Drones
Lesson Outline:
Divide students into three groups. Assign each of the groups to read one of the articles listed under resources.
For group 1: Ask students to fold a piece of paper in half and on one side list the benefits of using drones to conducting military operations and on the other side the risks of using drones to conducting military operations.
For group 2: Ask students to fold a piece of paper in half and on one side list benefits of using drones to photograph wildfires and on the other side the risks of using drones to photograph wildfires.
For group 3: Ask students to fold a piece of paper in half and on one side list benefits in agriculture and on the other side the risks of using drones in agriculture.
After students have had the opportunity to read their assigned article and record benefits and risks of using drones in a particular area of life, place students in groups of three or four making sure that in each group all three articles are represented. Each student should take turns sharing the risks and benefits for the use of drones in the area he or she read about in the article. Students should star the biggest benefit and biggest risk of using drones in their opinion for each of the areas discussed.
After students have had the opportunity to share in groups, open up the discussion to the class. Use the questions to guide discussion.
Optional Extension:
As a class, watch the video "A Sky Full of Cameras." After the video, discuss: How does the video affect your perception of the use of drones? Does the creator of the video seem to have a position on the use of drones? Why or why not?