Lesson Plan July 1, 2016
South Africa's Bid to End AIDS
Questions for "South Africa's Bid to End AIDS"
- What is the 90-90-90 goal?
- How have opinions and action surrounding HIV changed since 2000?
- What research challenges the 90-90-90 goal?
- Describe the infection cycle outlined in the article.
- How does the article use graphics to visualize the prevalence of HIV in South Africa?
Common Core Standard:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.9-10.3- Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.
You will be able to analyze how journalist Jon Cohen unfolds an analysis of HIV prevention measures in South Africa in order to create two promotional tools: one that publicizes a solution and one that warns against a challenge explored in the article.
1. Make a list of things you know to be true about HIV. Consider the following as you make your list:
How does someone contract HIV?
What does HIV do to the body if it is not treated?
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
How can someone prevent HIV contraction?
What treatments are available for someone with HIV?
2. Watch this video to learn more about HIV and the efforts to prevent it.
3. According to UNAIDS, 35.6 million people in the world were living with HIV at the end of 2015. What countries do you think have the largest prevalence of HIV? Click here to check your answer.
4. According to the same UNAIDS report, new HIV infections have fallen 6% since 2010. Make a list of reasons you think the rate of HIV infections has fallen.
5. Why do you think that HIV continues to thrive around the world? Make a list of reasons.
Introducing the Lesson:
Today's lesson analyzes efforts being made to combat the spread of HIV in South Africa, which is home to 18 percent of the world's population of people living with HIV. The author uses interviews, facts and graphics to investigate the successes that South Africa has had in combating the illness, while also describing the challenges that the country continues to face in reducing the spread of HIV.
Introducing the Resource, "South Africa's Bid to End AIDS"
Read the article attached and answer the accompanying questions. As you read, use a table like the one below to keep track of how Cohen organizes South Africa's successes in combating HIV and the challenges it continues to face in reducing the number of cases.
Solutions | Challenges |
1. Using your notes, and your responses to the comprehension questions, prepare to debate whether or not you think that South Africa will be able to reach the 90-90-90 target by 2020. Consider the following as you prepare for the debate:
What current efforts will support reaching the 90-90-90 goal?
How do the interviews with experts throughout the article support/challenge the idea that South Africa will reach 90-90-90 by 2020?
What might need to happen for South Africa to reach its goal? How likely do you think it is that those things will happen?
2. Hold the debate in small groups, or as a full class.
Extension Activity:
Create two promotional materials that utilize details from the article:
Create one resource for South Africans that publicizes an intervention that is working really well. Consider what images and text will best communicate the intervention and why it works.
Create one resource for South Africans that addresses a challenge the country is facing in curbing the spread of HIV. Consider what images and text will best communicate a solution to the challenge.
The following lesson plan guides students through an analysis of Jon Cohen's article, "South Africa's Bid to End AIDS." The lesson also asks students to analyze how journalist Cohen unfolds an analysis of HIV prevention measures in South Africa in order to create two promotional tools: one that publicizes a solution and one that warns against a challenge explored in the article.