Call for Contributors: How will you engage students in The 1619 Project? Educators, send your lessons and students' work to [email protected] to grow this resource and extend the conversation.
Example lesson plans based on other Pulitzer Center-supported reporting follow.
This page is a platform to share and archive activities, lesson plans, and unit plans designed by educators to support students' explorations of The 1619 Project.
Contact [email protected] to share your lessons and your students' work with our education team and community of educators. We welcome your voice and your students' voices in this space; help us grow this resource for all. Select lessons and student creations will appear here in the coming months. Check back here to see how other educators have been connecting to the story!
The Pulitzer Center has spent over a decade partnering with educators from all over the world to explore ways of increasing students' critical thinking and communication skills by integrating news and global issues into curricula for all grades and subjects. The wisdom, creativity and ingenuity of our partner educators will always be a vital pillar of our education work. How will you connect The 1619 Project to your curricula? How will your students explore and process personal and curricular connections to the project?
Not sure where to start? Click here for a list of activities designed to analyze and process The 1619 Project. For examples of how educators have used writing, discussion, visual art, performance, and community advocacy projects to explore reporting supported by the Pulitzer Center in the past, explore the links below: