Systematic Rape by Myanmar’s Military
Kristen Gelineau
The Myanmar military conducted an internal investigation and concluded that its soldiers had not raped Rohingya women. One official suggested the women were not “that attractive to be raped.” Kristen Gelineau of the Associated Press conducted her own investigation. In a searing report, she documents savage sexual assaults on 29 women and girls, age 13 to 35. Their stories have a sickening sameness, including descriptions of the assailants’ uniforms, bolstering the U.N. case that Myanmar’s armed forces are systematically employing rape as a “calculated tool of terror” aimed at exterminating the Rohingya people.
Is Iran the Big Winner in Iraq?
Reza Sayah
The toppling of Saddam Hussein in 2003 opened the way for Iran to reassert its influence in Iraq. In a three-part series for PBSNewsHour, Reza Sayah takes a nuanced look at both the reach—and the limits—of Iran’s power over its neighbor.
Jonathan Blitzer
Who stole the computer and external hard-drive of a professor investigating a once-powerful Salvadoran colonel—with ties to the U.S.—accused of committing massacres against civilians? Jonathan Blitzer investigates for The New York Review of Books.
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