Pulitzer Center Update March 8, 2011
Rebecca Hamilton Addresses Journalism Students About Foreign Correspondence and Sudanese Affairs
<em><span>Ohio University's Institute for International Journalism (IIJ) hosted </span><span>Pulitzer Center journalist and Washington Post special correspondent</span><span> Rebecca Hamilton to talk to students about Sudanese affairs. Rachel Ferchak covered the event for the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism blog. Excerpted below. </span></em><br>
The <strong><a href="https://www.scrippsjschool.org/iij/">Institute for International Journalism (IIJ)</a></strong> hosted international correspondent <strong><a href="https://bechamilton.com/">Bec Hamilton</a></strong> last week to address students and faculty about the state of affairs in Sudan. Hamilton works as a special correspondent on Sudan for <strong><a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/">The Washington Post</a></strong>. Most recently, she returned from a one-month stay in Sudan covering the <strong><a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/07/AR2011010706074.html">referendum</a></strong>. With approximately 98.5 percent of the population voting, the referendum resulted in the formation of a new state, Southern Sudan.<br>
"I've never had the experience of observing first-hand history in the making. And that's exactly what that was last month," said Hamilton in an interview on Tuesday. "Overall, there was just the incredible sense of exuberance and excitement around that moment. It happened so peacefully, successfully. That far exceeded anyone's predictions."<br>
<em>Slideshow and article by Rachel Ferchak at Ohio University's E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. Additional <a href="https://scrippsjschool.org/blog/post.php?postID=246">video interviews</a> by Robert Stewart. </em>