Entangled, a feature-length film by Pulitzer Center grantees David Abel and Andy Laub, has been nominated for a 2020 Jackson Wild Media Award in the Best Non-Broadcast Film category.
The Pulitzer Center-supported film follows the fight to save the iconic North Atlantic right whale from extinction. With fewer than 400 individuals left, the species continues to fall victim to the millions of lobster lines stretching along New England's coast and a food supply shortage brought on by climate change. As a political fight between environmentalists and lobstermen unfolds, scientists predict the whales could go extinct within 20 years. Entangled is part of the Pulitzer Center's "Connected Coastlines" reporting initiative.
Founded as the Jackson Hole Wildlife Festival in 1991, Jackson Wild seeks to inspire admiration and action to protect the natural world through summits, awards, and media trainings. Known as "nature film's equivalent to the Oscars," the Jackson Wild Media Awards received over 620 entries from more than 30 different countries this year. A panel of 150 international judges screened over 1,200 hours of media to select the finalists for 30 awards. The awards will be held virtually on Thursday, October 1, 2020 as part of the Jackson Wild Virtual Summit.
For a full list of nominees and additional information about his year's awards, please click here.