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Pulitzer Center Update September 17, 2019

Pulitzer Center Featured in Media Impact Funders Report

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Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting logo. 2019.
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting logo. 2019.

The Pulitzer Center's new Connected Coastlines initiative was featured in a Media Impact Funders journalism grantmaking report for September 2019.

The report, titled "Journalism Grantmaking: New Funding, Models and Partnerships to Sustain and Grow the Field," examines the rise of journalism-focused philanthropy after the collapse of previously effective business models in the industry. A key statistic in the report notes that, "Journalism-focused philanthropy has nearly quadrupled since 2009, when just under 300 funders made $69 million in grants to just over 300 recipient organizations in the United States."

In a section of the report discussing new business models and collaborations in journalism, Connected Coastlines is described as, "a collaborative reporting effort on climate science in U.S. coastal states," which will, "create a group of independent newsrooms and journalists to cover climate change's impact on coastal populations."

The first Connected Coastlines project from The Seattle Times can be read here. Read the full report on the Media Impact Funders website.