"Outlawed in Pakistan," a documentary co-directed by Pulitzer Center grantees Habiba Nosheen and Hilke Schelmann, won an Emmy for Outstanding Research at the 35th Annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards.
"As a Pakistani filmmaker and journalist I am so pleased and honored that "Outlawed in Pakistan" won an Emmy last night in New York! It was a film that took me and co-director Hilke Schellmann five years to make. This was unbelievable and something that I could have never imagined as a little girl growing up in Lahore," Nosheen told The Express Tribune, a major daily English-language newspaper in Pakistan and a partner with the International New York Times, the global edition of The New York Times.
The documentary tells the story of Kainat Soomro, a young Pakistani girl, as she takes her rape case to Pakistan's court system in hopes of finding justice. "Outlawed" premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2013; PBS FRONTLINE aired the broadcast premier in May 2013.
Earlier this year, Nosheen and Schellmann won the Overseas Press Club's 2013 David A. Andelman and Pamela Title Award for "Outlawed in Pakistan."
"Outlawed in Pakistan" was nominated for both Outstanding Research and Outstanding Informational Programming: Long-Form. View the full list of winners of the 35th Annual News & Documentary Emmy® Awards at emmyonline.org.
Watch the award-winning documentary.