Grantee Gloria J. Browne-Marshall and her play SHOT: Caught a Soul were the subject of a recent article in the St. Louis American.
SHOT tells the story of a Black teenager, Kareem, who is shot and killed by a white police officer. The one-act play explores themes of racism, police violence, and justice through a recounting of the shooting from both characters’ perspectives and the police officer’s subsequent encounter with Kareem’s ghost.
“Like so many around the world, I remained angered and appalled by the murders with impunity of Americans – especially African Americans – by police,” Browne-Marshall said in the article. “I had written articles, given legal commentary on television and expert analysis. However, I felt that it was only as a playwright that I could capture my anger and heartache while raising important questions that could be asked best by the victim and answered truthfully only by law enforcement – the killers.”
SHOT is available to stream for free here.
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