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Pulitzer Center Update February 19, 2016

Grantee Sonia Shah Publishes Her Fourth Book, 'Pandemic'

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The cholera epidemic that hit Haiti four years ago bears some startling resemblances to one that...

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Grantee Sonia Shah is coming out with a new book, Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, From Cholera to Ebola and Beyond, on February 23, 2016. This is her fourth book, and her second about deadly diseases.

Shah is a science journalist and prize-winning author. She is well-known for writing and talking about diseases such as cholera and malaria, with her talk receiving over 1 million views and her book, The Fever receiving praise from the The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Time and others.

Pandemic looks at the widely held belief by epidemiologists that we will have a pandemic within the next two generations, and explores which of the infectious diseases that we already know about are most likely to resurface and cause this pandemic.

"In this absorbing, complex, and ominous look at the dangers posed by pathogens in our daily lives, science journalist Shah (The Fever) cautions that there are no easy solutions," wrote Publishers Weekly. "Shah's warning is certainly troubling, and this important medical and social history is worthy of attention—and action."

Shah's book will be available for purchase at bookstores as well as online. Upcoming events include the New York Academy of Medicine on Tuesday, February 23, with two other Pulitzer Center grantees, Amy Maxmen and Carl Gierstorfer, and at Politics and Prose on Friday, February 26, in Washington, DC.


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