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Pulitzer Center Update January 10, 2018

Grantee Daniella Zalcman Awarded the Clifton Edom Award

MIKE PINAY, Qu’Appelle Indian Residential School (1953-1963).“It was the worst 10 years of my life. I was away from my family from the age of six to 16. How do you learn about family? I didn’t know what love was. We weren’t even known by names back then. I was a number.” Image by Daniella Zalcman. Canada, 2015.

For more than a century, many Western governments operated a network of Indian Residential Schools...

Daniella Zalcman at an exhibition of her work honoring her for winning the Arnold Newman Prize. Image courtesy of Daniella Zalcman. United States, 2017.
Daniella Zalcman at an exhibition of her work honoring her for winning the Arnold Newman Prize. Image courtesy of Daniella Zalcman. United States, 2017.

Pulitzer Center grantee Daniella Zalcman has been honored with the NPPA's Clifton Edom Award. The Award recognizes individuals who inspire and motivate members of the photojournalism community in the tradition of University of Missouri photojournalism professor Cliff Edom.

In addition to being a grantee with the Pulitzer Center, Zalcman is a fellow with the International Women's Media Foundation. She is the founder of Women Photograph, an initiative working to elevate the voices of female and non-binary visual journalists.

Daniella Zalcman has contributed to three Pulitzer Center Projects — "Kuchus in Uganda," "Signs of Your Identity: Forced Assimilation Education for Indigenous Youth," and "They Are Here Because You Were There." As a documentary photographer, Zalcman frequently focuses on subjects surrounding identity. "Signs of Your Identity" used photographs to examine the devastating effects Indian residential schools had on indigenuous students and their communities. Her work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, TIME, Sports Illustrated, and Vanity Fair, among others.

Click here to see the full list of award winners. 


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