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Pulitzer Center Update August 14, 2012

Face the Facts: GW Launches New Media Initiative

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The George Washington University Center for Innovative Media at the GW School of Media and Public Affairs begins the election season with a bold initiative aimed at bringing un-politicized facts to the American public in the 100 days leading up to this November's presidential election.

Facts, snappy infographics, video clips, and the ability to connect through all social media platforms shape the new initiative Face the Facts USA. Led by chief executive and director of the SPMA Frank Sesno, a team of 10 have devoted themselves to this bipartisan mission.

The website includes 10 issues-based categories, each comprised of a brief summary, informative video, poll, fact or fiction question, and links to related facts on the website. The bottom of the page links to the issues pages for both President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Romney. Each fact on the website can be shared via twitter, facebook, pinterest, google plus and youtube.

Face the Facts is the newest initiative from the GW Center for Innovative Media. GW's SPMA includes a dynamic interdisciplinary program where media, public affairs, and politics intersect. The SPMA is a Pulitzer Center Campus Consortium partner. This initiative is only one example of the SPMA's work in the rapidly changing multimedia journalism field.