The short film, "Defending the Koshi" by the Pulitzer Center's 2013 student fellows from Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Steve Matzker and Jennifer Gonzalez, was selected to screen at the 13th Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The festival will run from December 10 -14, 2015, and the film will screen as part of the "Official Selection" category.
Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival, KIMFF, curates a diverse selection of films that deal with mountains and the environment, culture and communities associated with them around the world.
"Defending the Koshi" was the product of Matzker and Gonzalez's student fellowship project, Nepal: Water Rights on the Koshi River which explored water rights concerning the environmental, economic and health impact on the Nepalese people in regards to hydropower and the construction of a second dam in the Nepal River Basin.
The documentary has won first prize in the 2013 Best of Multimedia-Group competition from the Illinois Press Photographers Association and screened on Earth Day 2014 at the State Department's environmental film festival.