Pulitzer Center Update January 30, 2018
2017: A Year in Review

(video produced by Jordan Roth)
We always take time at the start of the new year to look back on all we accomplished, while also looking forward to where we are heading. 2017 was a productive year for the Pulitzer Center, and that could not have been so without the hard work of our grantees and the generous support of our donors.
In 2017, we continued to grow, helping produce over 130 reporting projects and over 670 stories. Our grantees covered a variety of topics, including global health, climate change, nuclear security, LGBTQ rights, and so much more.
Our education program has also continued to grow, reaching thousands of educators and students in 20 states. Our 37 student fellows reported in 27 countries, and we helped bring 60 journalists to college classrooms, continuing to encourage students to invest in and help cover global issues.
We can't wait to see where 2018 will lead us, and we look forward to your joining us as we continue to support journalists who share our passion for global news and encourage students to pick up the baton and continue this important work.