Story Publication logo August 29, 2008

Yemen's House of Peace


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The poorest nation in the Arab world struggles with high population growth, 40% unemployment and a...


Tribal violence claims hundreds of lives every year in Yemen. The House of Peace encourages non-violent solutions to land disputes and 'love' crimes – violations of marriage arrangements that offend Yemen's conservative social code.

It's dangerous work. House of Peace members have died during mediation efforts, attempting to diffuse armed stand-offs.

But Sheikh AbdulRahman al-Marwani, the organization's director, also attends lengthy discussion forums with rival groups and arranges theatre workshops to spread the message of reconciliation.

The House of Peace is a rare example of effective civil society in Yemen. Its logo – a rifle with a red line through it, like a no-smoking sign – is emblazoned on water bottles, road signs and even spare-wheel covers throughout the country.

Photographs taken by Ginny Hill



pink halftone illustration of a hand underneath a floating feather


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