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Story Publication logo August 30, 2011

Who Won the Egyptian Revolution?



Few thought Tunisia's December 2010 uprising would so quickly spark revolts in the surrounding...

Tahrir Square rally. Image by Reese Erlich. Egypt, 2011.
Image by Reese Erlich. Egypt, 2011.

In February, a mass movement overthrew the hated dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. Now a military council rules the country. Critics say the new regime has kept much of Mubarak's repressive apparatus. Meanwhile, extremist Islamist groups are pressuring the government to adopt undemocratic, right-wing policies. On this edition, independent producer Reese Erlich brings you this special report "Who Won the Egyptian Revolution?" Reese Erlich received a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting for his reporting in Egypt.


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