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Story Publication logo December 23, 2022

Video: Combating Deforestation in Tshopo: Successful Agroforestry in the Yangambi Landscape (French)


Lutte contre la déforestation au cœur du Bassin du Congo. Paysage de Yangambi, poumon du monde en réanimation

Fifteen projects for nearly $50 million have been implemented to fight against deforestation. What...

Video by Jean Fundi Kiparamoto. Democratic Republic of Congo, 2023.

Contrary to what many people say, this forest is not the second lung of the planet, but the first lung of the planet. It has the second largest surface area, but also the largest carbon fixation capacity. For many biological and historical reasons, more carbon is fixed today in the Congo Basin than in the Amazon Basin or the Indonesian Basin.

Como una organización periodística sin fines de lucro, dependemos de su apoyo para financiar el periodismo que cubre temas poco difundidos en todo el mundo. Done cualquier valor hoy y conviértase en un Campeón del Centro Pulitzer recibiendo beneficios exclusivos.

Jean-Marc Châtaigner, ambassador of the European Union, speaks of DRC as a country where the major solution to climate change lies:

"The DRC is our biggest envelope for the preservation of biodiversity in Africa. The DRC is a solution country. It's a huge country with huge forest resources. It's a development factor for the people, but it's also a factor for the conservation of the planet."


yellow halftone illustration of an elephant


Environment and Climate Change

Environment and Climate Change
a yellow halftone illustration of a truck holding logs





yellow halftone illustration of a logging truck holding logs


Rainforest Reporting

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