Elourde Joseph, 6, has her ears checked by Casey Panko, who is co-team leader of the Community Health Initiative volunteer medical team. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
The Haitian flag flies at Mission Matana, home to the Community Health Initiative clinic four times a year. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
A crowd of Haitians wait in the shade to be seen by American providers on the first day of the clinic at Mission Matana. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Marie Femelon came to the clinic looking for eye glasses, which were not available on this trip. One team member noted that with cataracts as bad as hers, glasses would likely not be of much help. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Kim Holesinger, left, and Cassie Valukas arrange pharmaceuticals brought by the traveling team which will be used in the clinics. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Locals arrive and wait for the Mission Matana gate to open just before 7a.m. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Narcheley Jean Joseph, 8, holds her arm out while Casey Panko explains through an interpreter to the girl and her mother that the girl has ringworm. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Patients have vitals taken. Particular attention is given to weight in this country where many people are malnourished. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Dr. Chris Buresh informs Cedamise Belvert, 48, that she has advanced lymphoma and should not expect to live much longer. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Marie Geffrard arrives at the clinic with a bad foot ulcer and high blood sugar. Retired nurse Jan Palmer cleans and wraps the wound and comments that she could lose her foot in the future. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Dr. Scott Wilson shines a light on the scalp of a boy who likely has scabies. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
A woman with an enlarged abdomen has a severe liver abscess. Dr. Scott Wilson drained the fluid to help ease her discomfort. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Dr. Ginny Ryan Buresh listens as an interpreter talks with her patient at the clinic about birth control. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Dr. Chris Kliethermes and Casey Panko talk about a diagnosis for a woman at the Mission Matana clinic. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Wendly Steven, 13 months, has severe scar tissue in his hand from grabbing a piece of fire wood. Dr. Chris Buresh photographed the boy's hand and plans to consult with a specialist in Iowa to determine any possible treatment. Wendly's great smile won a few extra minutes of cuddling with Buresh, who has four children of his own. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Jan Palmer washes the foot of leprosy patient Jean Stefen Youyoute, 67, whom she met during a previous trip to Haiti with CHI. She thought of him often when back home and brought him a bundle of clean socks. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Scott Wilson, a nurse from Iowa City, checks the peripheral vision of a patient at the Mission Matana clinic. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Mike Barthman, left, and Ginny Ryan Buresh listen as a translator talks with a patient at the Mission Matana clinic. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Andy Nelson, of River Falls, WI, pays a visit to patients in the clinic after spending most of his week working on the road which will help bring better health in the form of clean water to people in the village of Lot Bo Ladig. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Casey Panko taps the arm of Caleb Blane, 3, looking for a good place to start an IV while at the Fonal clinic. Caleb was being treated for a dangerous infection. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
A group of women stand as close to the door as they possibly can while waiting for their turn to be seen in the Fondal clinic on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Many villagers walked for hours to attend the Community Health Initiative medical clinic in the mountain village of Fondal. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Volunteers Jake Ryan and David Derr log information from patient visits into the TEBOW medical record system which helps them track a person's progress. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Patients waiting to see a Haitian dentist watch him work under a gazebo in the mountain village of Fondal. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Ginny Buresh lifts patient Caleb Blane, 3, as Casey Panko slides a sterile fabric beneath him. Caeb was being treated for a dangerous infection. The Community Health Initiative team took him to an area hospital for further treatment. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Peterson Germain, 36, of Leogane, interprets dosages and other prescription information to patients in the pharmacy. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Shari Peters, left, and Jan Palmer coo over a set of twins brought by their parents to the clinic in the mountain village of Fondal. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Dr. Chris Buresh gives a food supplement to the parents of a malnourished child and tells them the food is for the baby only. Image by Mary Chind. Haiti, 2013.
Volunteers from the Iowa-based Community Health Initiative are seen here in action during their week-long clinics in rural Haiti, where they meet with hundreds of villagers.
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