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Story Publication logo October 26, 2011

Pakistan: Women Seek Refuge from "Honor Killings"


Media file: outlawedinpakistan.jpg

“Outlawed in Pakistan” tells the story of Kainat Soomro as she takes her rape case to Pakistan’s...

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This slideshow was also published in The Atlantic.

In parts of Pakistan today, women are viewed as property and are believed to personify the honor of their families. If a woman goes against the will of her family, for example, by choosing her own husband, family members may feel that in order to restore their honor, they have to kill the woman--a so-called "honor killing." A few women are able to escape this fate and find refuge at shelters.


Three women grouped together: an elderly woman smiling, a transwoman with her arms folded, and a woman holding her headscarf with a baby strapped to her back.


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Gender Equality

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