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Story Publication logo April 19, 2020

Natasha Alford Interviewed on Racial Representation in Puerto Rico

Natasha Alford

In the midst of Puerto Rico's political crisis, its black communities fight for justice to address...

Image courtesy of Natasha S. Alford. United States, undated.
Image courtesy of Natasha S. Alford. United States, undated.

In Puerto Rico, the island’s residents can choose “Puerto Rican” on the census to describe their Hispanic origin, but when it comes to race, it’s a different story. While the island has a rich African history, over 75% of Puerto Ricans identified as white in the 2010 census.

Journalist Natasha S. Alford joins LatinoUSA to take us through her reporting of Afro-Puerto Ricans and the census. She explains what factors have led to the undercount of the island’s black residents, how incorrect data could affect Afro-Puerto Rican communities, and how activists are battling to change that.


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