This story excerpt was translated from French. To read the original story in full, visit Congo Forum. You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website here. Our website is available in English, Spanish, bahasa Indonesia, French, and Portuguese.

Here, the nursery of the Isalowe valley in Yangambi, 100 km from Kisangani. There are two in the city and one in Yanonge. Tropenbos DRC has one in Yaoseko, 32 km from Kisangani. The plantation work starts with the nurseries through a good planning. Once the area to be reforested is determined, the nursery work begins so that the seedlings can grow for two and a half months before being transplanted.
DRC, Tshopo, territory of Isangi. Straddling the Congo River, the landscape of Yangambi is well known for the Yangambi Biosphere Reserve, 25 thousand hectares of forest, located in the city of the same name, downstream from the Congo River, one hundred kilometers from Kisangani. For ten years, environmental organizations have been flocking there to fight against deforestation. Projects as long as short intended for the economic activities of farmers to reduce their dependence on the forests. In the wake of this, a series of organizations characterized by method and a very long-term vision have arrived.

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With the support of the Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF) in partnership with the Pulitzer Center, reporters Orphée Fundi and Jean Fundi Kiparamoto, armed with pen, tape recorder, and camera, set off for Yangambi, the El Dorado. The motorcycle cabs arrive in the evening at the Beach of Yangambi. At the parking lot, everyone knows the Base Vie camp where they have many clients. The camp is located behind the convent Marie de l'Assomption. The land had offered since 2017 by Catholic priests. At present, it is offices and prefabricated houses under the shade of 5 ha covered with trees, where the workers of CIFOR-ICRAF and RSD live: foresters, mechanics, cleaners, cooks, electricians, logisticians, sensitizers, machine operators.
From Yangambi, reporters will cover the village of Yaoseko, further southeast of Yangambi, 32 km from Kisangani, where Tropenbos DRC works; Yanonge and the town of Isangi and surrounding areas, where OCEAN and PRAPO had operated, and where Jadora-Isangi REDD+, CIFOR, and Enabel also operate. It is respectively 62 km and 100 km from Kisangani. Here is the first part of this multimedia report.