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Story Publication logo September 14, 2023

Dependence on Fishing on the East Coast of North Sumatra — Part 3 (bahasa Indonesia)


mangroves in indonesia

A collaborative in-depth reporting of Indonesia's mangrove forests degradation, impacts and the...

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This story excerpt was translated from bahasa Indonesia. To read the original story in full, visit You may also view the original story on the Rainforest Journalism Fund website. Our website is available in EnglishSpanishbahasa IndonesiaFrench, and Portuguese.

Abrasi parah umumnya terjadi di sepanjang pesisir timur sumatera. Salah satunya di Desa Paluh Sibaji, Kecamatan Pantai Labu, Deli Serdang ini. Abrasi ini diduga kuat akibat pengerukan pasir untuk bandara di tahun 2008.
Severe abrasion generally occurs along the eastern coast of Sumatra. One of them is in Paluh Sibaji Village, Pantai Labu District, Deli Serdang. This abrasion is strongly suspected to be the result of sand dredging for an airport in 2008. Image by Dewantoro. Indonesia, 2023.

MEDAN — The destruction of mangrove forests on the east coast of North Sumatra is a nightmare for traditional fishermen.

Abdul Hamid, the community leader in Paluh Sibaji Village, said the process of fishing has changed greatly.

In the 1980s, fishermen could go to sea one day and the results were for one week. But now it is the opposite.

Fishermen are very likely to be at sea for up to a week and the results obtained are not much. In addition, it is not uncommon for fishermen to go into debt to go to sea and pay their debts when they return to land.

"That's the same as going to sea for a week to live for one day. That's how difficult it is now," he said.

The catch is greatly reduced. In the past, traditional fishermen in Pantai Labu could easily catch fish. Bringing only makeshift tools, the catch was abundant.

"It used to be easy to get two boxes (of fish). It doesn't take long. After that, we could laze around and relax because the proceeds could last a week," he said.

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Tokoh masyarakat di Desa Paluh Sibaji, Abdul Hamid menceritakan kondisi yang dialami nelayan tradisional saat ini sudah sangat drastis berubah. Hingga tahun 1980-an, nelayan mencari ikan satu hari untuk hidup satu minggu. Situasinya sudah terbalik. Kerusakan mangrove, abrasi yang diduga akibat pengerukan pasir tahun 2008 membuat nelayan tradisional semakin sengsara.
Abdul Hamid, a community leader in Paluh Sibaji Village, said the conditions experienced by traditional fishermen have drastically changed. In the 1980s, fishermen fished one day to live for a week. The situation has been reversed. Mangrove damage and abrasion, allegedly caused by sand dredging in 2008, have made traditional fishermen even more miserable. Image by Dewantoro. Indonesia, 2023.
Selamat atau Amat menunjukkan kerang dara hasil dari budidaya di kawasan mangrove di Jalan Young Panah Hijau, Kecamatan Labuhan Deli, Kota Medan. Masyarakat sangat merasakan manfaat dari lestarinya mangrove yang penanamannya dilakukan secara swadaya kemudian didukung oleh sejumlah pihak.
Selamat, or Amat, shows the turtle shells cultivated in the mangrove area at Jalan Young Panah Hijau, Labuhan Deli Subdistrict, Medan City. The community greatly benefits from the preservation of mangroves, which were planted independently and then supported by a number of parties. Image by Dewantoro. Indonesia, 2023.


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